Saturday, September 4, 2021

Potassium deficiency is a proven

Potassium deficiency is a proven contributing cause of many illnesses, including: Arthritis, kidney stones, atrial fibrillation, adrenal insufficiency, celiac disease, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, ulcerative colitis, hypothyroidism, irritable bowel syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, Crohn’s disease, lupus, atherosclerosis, diabetes and stroke. 
– Linda Page, N.D., Ph.D.Healthy Healing
(visit her website: 

Body Signs of Potassium Deficiency

Body Signs of Potassium Deficiency

* Bone and muscle aches and pains, especially lower back. 

* The body feels heavy, tired and it’s an effort to move. 

* Shooting pains when straightening up after leaning over. 

* Dizziness upon straightening up after leaning over. 

* Morning dull headaches upon arising and when stressed. 

* Dull, faded-looking hair that lacks sheen and luster. 

* The scalp is itchy and dry. Dandruff, premature hair thinning or balding may occur. 

* The hair is unmanageable, mats, often looks straw-like, and is sometimes extremely dry and other times oily. 

* The eyes itch, feel sore and uncomfortable and appear bloodshot and watery. Also, eyelids may be granulated with white matter. 

* The eyes tire easily and will not focus as they should. You tire physically and mentally with the slightest effort.

* Loss of mental alertness and onset of confusion, making decisions difficult. The memory fails, making you forget familiar names and places you should easily remember. 

* You become easily irritable and impatient with family, friends and loved ones and even with your business and social acquaintances. 

* You feel nervous, depressed, in a mental fog, and have difficulty getting things done due to mental and muscle fatigue. Even the slightest effort can leave you exhausted, upset and trembling. 

* At times, your hands and feet get chilled, even in warm weather, which is a sign of potassium deficiency. 

Apple Cider Vinegar Helps:

Apple Cider Vinegar Helps:

 • Helps maintain a youthful skin and vibrant body

• Helps remove artery plaque

• Helps fight germs, viruses and bacteria naturally

• Helps retard the onset of old age in humans, pets and farm animals

• Helps regulate calcium metabolism

• Helps keep blood the right consistency

• Helps regulate women's menstruation

• Helps normalize the urine pH, thus relieving the frequent urge to urinate

• Helps digestion, assimilation and balances pH

• Helps relieve sore throats, laryngitis and throat tickles and cleans out toxins

• Helps sinus, asthma and flu sufferers to breathe easier and more normally

• Helps banish acne, soothes burns, sunburns

• Helps prevent itching scalp, baldness and dry hair and banishes dandruff

• Helps fight arthritis and removes crystals and toxins from joints, tissues and organs

• Helps control and normalize weight

Malnutrition! THIS Is the cause of all diseases.

 Malnutrition! THIS Is the cause of all diseases.

Bad Nutrition – #1 Cause of Sickness

“Diet-related diseases account for 68% of all deaths.” – Dr. C. Everett Koop
America’s former Surgeon General and our friend, said this in his famous 1988 landmark report on nutrition and health in America. People don’t die of infectious conditions as such, but of malnutrition that allows the germs to get a foothold in sickly bodies. Also, bad nutrition is usually the main cause of noninfectious, fatal or degenerative conditions. When the body has its full vitamin and mineral quota, including precious potassium, it’s almost impossible for germs to get a foothold in a healthy, powerful bloodstream and tissues! --- Apple Cider Vinegar Miracle Health System, by Paul C. & Patricia Bragg 

This explains the "wasting disease" that starving africans had... AND the gays, too, back in the 70s & 80s when they're too busy partying all the time and fucking each other like rabbits, and high on drugs, you can look it up with Jon Rappoport's book, AIDS, Inc. 

Our bodies are NOT meant to party all the time, not meant to live on drugs and alcohol, not meant to live OUTSIDE NATURE... 

This, the health 'authorities" KNEW, they just labels it something else and uses MORE drugs to suppressed the symptoms and rides you to death. That's the character of these parasites that lives off sickness industry. 

The last year or so, it's "coronavirus", "covid", blah blah blah, more bullshit from THEM trying to justify all kinds of shits to "manage" us so they can PROFITS off our suffering, as usual. Typical PARASITES.


Potassium deficiency is a proven

Potassium deficiency is a proven contributing cause of many illnesses, including: Arthritis, kidney stones, atrial fibrillation, adrenal ins...